Denovo Jelly Makeup Remover

Denovo Jelly Makeup Remover Review

As any regular reader of my blog will know I live my life straddling the English Channel (or La Manche as i would call it). I seem to spend way too much time sitting in terminals in St Pancras and Gare Du Nord and donate most of my salary to the (un) charitable organisation known as Eurostar! I booked myself another trip recently to join the french beauty blogger and youtubeur Naturellement Lyla at a beauty event in Paris organised by the brilliant eShop Mon Corner B. So I found myself once again fighting my way through the London underground, late as always, without my booking card, back on the train, going through the tunnel. There was a nice little surprise this time however that they now have films on board like aeroplanes. That definitely sped the trip up for me! So I made sure to visit as much of my family as I could on this whirlwind trip and then set off to the venue. There was loads of interesting things at the event however one introduction stood out to me far above all the others.

Denovo Jelly Makeup Remover Review

I had the chance to meet the founder of the skincare and haircare range Denovo, a wonderfully interesting and passionate lady called Alice Roux. She took so much time to explain to us how to use the product and on top of that replied to our barrage of questions about skincare and haircare. What struck me the most however was how amazingly passionate Alice was about the subject and this made it so interesting to listen to her opinions and responses. She enthused on the subject and we talked about a range of different subjects and I learned so much from her! I am very pleased on another level again that this meeting took place as she offered me a few different products to try (and if there is one sure fire way to make me happy it’s to give me new products……or alternatively just talk non stop to me about them!)

Denovo Jelly Makeup Remover Review

For today’s blog post I am going to focus specifically on the Jelly Makeup Remover (OléoGelée). I have to say right here and now that I personally think a good makeup remover is perhaps the most important thing any skin care fanatacist can own. This one is a balm gel that is 99% natural and suitable for all skin types. I can quite honestly say that I have never come across any product with this kind of texture before. It looks like honey, It’s quite thick in consistency but not sticky at all and it’s really sparkly. Just take a look at the picture to see how shiny it is! It’s so unique and unusual in its consistency and appearance and yet looks so beautiful. The composition seems to be great containing no nasty ingredients. There seemingly only appears to be beautiful ingredients that help remove makeup and makes your skin so clean and smooth. It has Sugar Esther and Decyl Glucoside to remove dirt and oils, Cornflower hydrolate to soothe and calm the skin, Cranberry Oil and Wrack Seaweed which act as a decongestant and Propolis which possesses natural antibacterial properties.

Denovo Jelly Makeup Remover Review

So, I hear you ask, how do I use it? You need to warm a small amount of the product in your hands and massage onto your skin until the makeup melts and then rinse everything away with water. The thick consistency turns into a smooth oil and then once it comes into contact with water emulsifies into a milk like liquid. However for me the best way to cleanse my face is to rinse and wipe away this mixture with a thick warm damp cloth! It’s so relaxing and very efficient in removing any traces of makeup with the smallest amount of effort…….but, of course, this is just my personal preference! The Jelly Makeup Remover leaves my skin completely clean, refreshed and feeling super soft after using it. I didn’t notice any dry or tight feeling at all like I have experienced before with other cleansers. It smells delightful and doesn’t sting my eyes at all. The Packaging is very light so very convenient if you travel and if you’re looking for a new cleanser to try, I really would recommend this to you. It does cost 22 euros, which admittedly is expensive, but I think it will probably last for quite a long time! I have been using it for 2 months now and only used half of the pot so it seems to be quite economical. All in all a great product from a brand who have stolen a little spot in my heart…….just shows how powerful a really charismatic founder of a good product can be, I wish Denovo all the best and hope more great things are to come! This makeup remover is available on the eShop Mon Corner B.

2 Commentaires

  1. Sandrine
    8th juin 2016 / 12:48 am

    J’ai pour habitude de me démaquiller avec des huiles végétales, mais j’ai envie de changer.
    je vais tester ce produit.
    Merci pour la description complète !!!!

    • OhMySkin
      10th juin 2016 / 2:21 am

      Je t’en prie ! Contente que l’article te plaise :)

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