DIY Hydrating Face Toner

DIY Hydrating Face Toner

Once again it seems like it’s time for my group therapy with you guys and so I have another admission I feel I need to make…… I am a toner addict. I have some in the fridge, in my bag, in the bathroom, in my bedroom, at my desk…….there are bottles everywhere! I am really not sure if I could make it through the day without any now! Toner is amazing due to the fact that it helps your skin absorb any product that you apply after using it as well as just generally improving skin texture and tightening pores. I use a toner every single day and it is an essential part of my skincare routine! Some I use to exfoliate, others to hydrate and some simply to help boost my skin’s radiance and refresh me during the hot days. I have found it particularly in demand this summer as it’s been so hot outside I have been relying on a lot of hydrating/refreshing toner (please don’t mistake this for me complaining about the weather though as I’m so happy that for once we have a very sunny summer in London). Another reason I love Toners so much is that they are one of the easiest skincare products to make for yourself and not fork out exorbitant amounts of cash on! You only need a few ingredients to make a really effective one! I use them after cleaning my face and any time of the day when I feel my skin a bit dehydrated. I also make sure I always have one to hand when I feel too hot in the tube and need a refreshment, think of it like your second bottle to always carry with you: one for drinking, one for spritzing!

DIY Hydrating Face Toner

Hydrating Toner 50 ml


1 Spray Bottle

30 ml Mineral Water (Eau Minerale)  

2 tbsp Organic Rose Water (Hydrolat de Rose de Damas Bio)

1 tbsp Organic Witch Hazel (Hydrolat hamamelis Bio)

1 tsp Organic Aloe Vera

½ tsp Glycerin

A petale of Organic Hibiscus Flower (Optional) (Fleurs d’hibiscus bio)

All these ingredients are available from Aroma-Zone or Baldwin.

Benefits For The Skin

This toner is full of hydrating ingredients: Rose water hydrates, softens and calms the skin reducing signs of redness and irritation.  

Witch Hazel is a natural astringent which purifies the skin and tightens pores.

Aloe vera is well known for its soothing, moisturising and cooling effects.

Glycerin is a humectant which means it holds moisture in the skin.

I like my products to have a beautiful aesthetic, as well as being efficient, so I put a tiny bit of Hibiscus flower in the water to give a really nice light pink color to the toner (Hibiscus flowers  have some amazing qualities but at this tiny amount I don’t think they are even worth mentioning and I just use them for their beautiful colour).

DIY Hydrating Face Toner


First of all, infuse the hibiscus flower in mineral water by warming the water and then adding the flower to it (Watch out though and don’t put too many petals in otherwise the water will become a really deep red color). Mix well and then leave it until you get a nice light pink colour before filtering the infusion and just keeping the water. Leave it to cool for a while and then combine it with all the other ingredients in a bowl and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. One big piece of advice that I will give you is to get a spray bottle with a very fine mist as it applies the toner in a far more even manner. Once you are done just spritz the toner over your skin, give it a minute to dry and you’re done! (keep it in the fridge for a longer shelf life and for an extra refreshing spray)

This toner is very refreshing and leaves your skin soft and smooth! It has a beautiful rose scent and a lovely pink colour. I didn’t add any type of preservative to this recipe, because it’s quite a small quantity and I always finish the bottle pretty quickly, however if you are willing to mix up a bigger quantity just add a few drops of Cosgard.


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