In the natural beauty world I find that so much time is spent discussing skin care, shampoo and makeup but far less is devoted to one thing we all do numerous times every day! So I decided to devote this post to oral hygiene as many people I know who use natural products in all other aspects of their daily routine still seem to opt for the classic brands to care for their mouths and teeth. I adopted a completely natural routine several years ago and now I want to tell you about all the products I use to take care of my mouth, keep my breath fresh and restore my teeth to a pearly white! Let’s go!
Toothbrush – A few months ago I swapped my plastic toothbrushes for pretty biodegradable bamboo ones. The first one I tried is from Smiloh‘s and is a lovely thin eco friendly toothbrush with soft and supple bristles making it a pleasure to use! The second one is from Hubble Brush, which is a bit larger and and has harder bristles but they are in no way unpleasant. The quality of the two brushes is excellent and are totally comparable to plastic models. In addition, these two brands both have ethical USP’s that I really like. For every online order Smiloh offer a toothbrush to a child in Africa via French or local NGOs and Humble Brush supply a toothbrush or dental care to children in need via their Humble Smile Foundation.
✓ Available on Holland & Barrett.
Tongue Cleaner – In addition to brushing, in the morning I use a tongue cleaner to remove all the impurities from my tongue. This ayurvedic traditional practice promotes overall oral health.
✓ Available on iherb.
Powersmile Jason – I’ve been using this toothpaste for years. The ingredient list is 100% natural. It contains sodium bicarbonate, aloe vera, peppermint oil, perilla oil and its’ free from fluoride. This toothpaste cleans the teeth perfectly, foams up very well and leaves you with a very pleasant fresh menthol breath thanks to the peppermint essential oil. My teeth feel really smooth after brushing. This toothpaste really has stands toe to toe with conventional toothpastes and so if you have trouble trying to replace your usual colgate or aquafresh then I highly recommend this one!
✓ Available on iherb or Feelunique.
Pachamamaï – I’ve tried several solid toothpastes but this one remains my favorite. The composition is natural and minimal. It contains clay, coconut oil and peppermint essential oil. It is pleasant to use and leaves teeth clean and smooth with a pleasant smell of mint in the mouth. If you are not familiar with toothpaste in solid form then the first use can be surprising but don’t be put off as if you persevere then you will soon become used to it. The texture is different from classic toothpastes and foams lightly but cleans just as well. The advantage of the solid format is that it is very practical for traveling due to it’s small size and it is also more ecologically friendly as the box is refillable.
✓ Available on Purnatural or on Slow Cosmétique.
I eliminated conventional mouthwashes from my bathroom quite a while back now. They are just too aggressive for the oral flora (containing too much alcohol) and have some chemical ingredients that I am personally a little doubtful of. I simply replaced these mouthwashes with hydrolates which are a completely natural and effective alternative! Every morning and evening I make my little mixture (recipe from aroma-zone website) which purifies and refreshes the breath:
– 1 tablespoon coriander hydrolate
– 1 tablespoon of peppermint hydrolate
– ½ glass of water
Another great little point is that you can adapt the recipe according to your needs: sensitive gums (noble laurel of Provence hydrolate), dental pain (Bay St Thomas hydrolate), whiteness (Lemon hydrolate), etc … There are a multitude of choices.
If you want to get rid of tartar, just mix:
– 1 teaspoon of baking soda
– 2 pinches of salt
– 1 glass of water
✓ Available on Aroma-zone or Slow Cosmetique.
Tip for teeth whitening
If you love tea as much as I do then I guess you too have noticed that keeping white teeth is not easy at all. Here are a few effective tips to whiten your teeth naturally!
Tea Tree essential Oil – add 1 drop of tea tree essential oil to the toothpaste once a day and brush as usual. The results are visible fairly quickly.
Baking soda – put some baking soda on a wet toothbrush and rub the teeth gently. Baking soda is quite abrasive so use only once a week.
Activated charcoal – twice a week, sprinkle some charcoal directly on the toothpaste and brush your teeth. It’s a bit annoying to rinse as charcoal slips under the gums but otherwise it is great and effective!
✓ Available on Aroma-zone or Slow Cosmetics.
Style’White: I also tried a 100% natural and peroxide free whitening kit. It contains a whitening gel tube, a mouth tray, a let light activator and a paper teeth shade guide. It’s very easy to use and you see the result within a day after 5 sessions. My boyfriend immediately noticed a difference so I am really pleased.
✓ Available on Love Lula.
One more tip: to keep fresh breath all day, put 1 drop of essential oil of Peppermint under your tongue. Fresh breath guaranteed!
Reminder: always check the precautions of essential oils before using them.
What are your favourite natural products for your teeth?
Dernière petite astuce : pour garder une haleine fraîche toute la journée, déposez 1 goutte d’huile essentielle de Menthe Poivrée sous la langue. Effet kiss cool garanti !
Rappel : toujours vérifier les contre-indications des huiles essentielles avant de les utiliser.
Et vous, quels sont vos produits naturels favoris pour vos dents ? Dîtes moi tout en commentaire.
Coucou ! Est ce qu’on peut commander le kit blanchiment sur love Lula même en étant résidente en France ? Si non super article ! :)
Merci beaucoup :-) Oui tu peux commander sans problème, la livraison est gratuite à partir de 10£.
Sinon je crois que tu peux le trouver chez Monoprix aussi :)
Pour le bain de bouche, peut on le préparer à l avance et le conserver dans la salle de bain?
Coucou, il faudra dans ce cas mettre un conservateur à cause de la présence d’eau :)