If you haven’t come across Aroma-Zone before it is a real treasure trove of a shop where you can find natural ingredients needed to make your DIY recipes. For this giveaway, I’m giving 10 of my readers the chance to win a voucher of 8 € to use on the Aroma-zone website.
Want to participate? It’s super simple, follow the 3 steps below and you’re done:
1- Subscribe to my newsletter, you can do it right here
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2- Share this post on Facebook by clicking on the share button at the bottom of the postLeave a comment under this article
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Winners will be randomly selected from the comments and contacted directly by email.
This coupon is valid only on the Aroma-zone website for a minimum purchase amount of €45 and without time limit :))
End of competition: Midnight on Monday 10th of July (Thanks for entering my giveaway, the winners have been contacted by mail :) )
Also, please add my email address (info@ohmyskin.com) in the ‘Parrain’ field when ordering so I receive more discount codes to share with you all in future giveaways!
Good luck!!!!!